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7 Tips for Couples Trying to Get Healthy

A Beginners Guide

I'm sure you've heard it before: "Couples who work out together stay together." But it's more than just working out together! A healthy relationship starts with a healthy lifestyle and getting healthy together can be a bonding experience and a huge source of motivation for you and your partner.

If you are looking to make this change together (or even just get started on your wellness journey), here are seven tips for you and your significant other to help you get healthy together.

#1. Set a goal together

Set goals that are realistic and achievable, but difficult enough to be challenging. You may both want to lose weight, or perhaps one of you wants to get stronger while the other loses weight. It doesn't really matter if your goals are different because the 3 underlying actions needed for both goals are still the same. Plan your nutrition to meet your goals, supplement with physical activity, and stick to it.

Make sure your goals are measurable so that you know whether or not you have achieved them, and that you are sharing your goal (and your progress) with your partner. You both want what is best for each other and your number one supporter will be there to celebrate your wins and encourage you in times when you feel like throwing it all in.

And, because this is something you’re doing together, make sure the actions you are going to take to achieve the goal include ways both of you can work towards it — don’t just rely on one person to do all the work!

#2. Plan healthy meals together

Planning meals together is a great way to get healthy together. Cooking at home can save money and help you avoid eating out mindlessly, which can be both unhealthy and expensive.

Whether you're planning new recipes or trying old favorites, it's important to have some fun with them! If you're trying something new that requires special ingredients that aren't in your pantry already (or if the recipe calls for them), make sure to get those ingredients before starting the meal so your time in the kitchen together isn't wasted. Once everything is ready, head to the kitchen together with a glass of wine or cup of tea and enjoy each other's company while preparing an amazing meal!

#3. Handle eating out as a team

Eating out is a great way to add variety to your diet, but it can also be a challenge. Instead of dealing with this alone, you and your partner can make eating out together an enjoyable experience.

  • Plan ahead: If you are heading out for a dinner date (and you should do this regularly), discuss beforehand what kind of food each person prefers. You can often find restaurant menus online these days and this gives you both a chance to choose something you like without having any surprises along the way. It also helps set expectations for what kinds of options may be available at any particular place.

  • Choose lower calorie options: While it might seem impossible in certain situations, try ordering lighter dishes when possible—or at least share large portions between you! This will help keep calories down while still allowing both people in a couple to feel satisfied by their meals instead of feeling guilty from overeating or deprived while under-eating.

If you are anxious about messing up your diet by eating out, think about those options on a menu where you can guesstimate the portion size with fairly good accuracy. The weight of a steak is usually written on the menu and a side of steamed veg will fill you up but is unlikely to make a dent in your budgeted macros for the day.

#4. Exercise as a couple

Exercising as a couple can be a big help to both of you, especially if one of you is more active than the other and both are trying to get into better shape. For example:

  • The person who already has their fitness routine down can give pointers or motivation to their partner. They could also keep each other accountable by encouraging each other when tempted to take a break from their exercise routine.

  • Couples who like working out together will have fun while they’re doing it—and that makes it easier to stick with your plan! You’re also less likely to feel self-conscious about being in public if your partner is there with you (especially if they’re as committed as you are).

  • Exercise helps improve your heart health, overall energy level, and moods—and those benefits extend beyond just yourself! It’s good for couples because it helps foster communication between partners about what's needed for their relationship—handy for conflict resolution when it pops up from time to time.

#5. Find activities you both enjoy

While you may want to take your significant other on a romantic getaway, that doesn't mean you have to ditch the workout routine. Do it together!

If you’re searching for ideas, I've got a few:

  • A bike ride around the neighborhood is one of the most popular options (and it can be fun with two people), but if you don't have access to a bike or are afraid of getting hit by cars in your quest for fitness, consider walking instead. A brisk walk is great exercise that takes minimal effort and lets you enjoy some fresh air while bonding with your partner.

  • If neither of these activities interests either of you, try something else! Maybe there's an activity neither one of you has tried before—like paddleboarding or rock climbing or visiting an escape room—that could make for a fun couple's experience. You can even try playing a new sport together. Beach volleyball anyone?

#6. Hold each other accountable

Accountability is a two-way street. You have to be able to hold your partner accountable, while they should do the same for you.

Here are some tips:

  • Be firm but gentle if one of you isn't following through on something. If your partner said they would go to the gym with you and then doesn't show up, don't harp on them about it later in front of other people (or even when there's no one else around). This will only make them want to avoid working out more than ever before! But it is also really important that you make it clear that this time together is a priority for you.

  • Be supportive when things go well and encourage them not give up when things don't work out how you planned. But also understand that sometimes things won’t work out—and that's okay! Everyone has bad days and moments where it seems like everything is against them; this is normal human behaviour! Your goal should always be self-improvement rather than trying to make someone else change.

#7. Celebrate the little wins

Don't wait for the big win. Becoming healthier is a long game and weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Instead, celebrate every small win, like losing 1/4 kilo or running a km without stopping. And if you do hit a big milestone, don't just ignore it! Take some time out of your day to share how excited and proud you are together—and then get back to work on making more small wins happen.

Celebrate together! It's important that both partners feel invested in the process of getting healthy together so that neither feels left behind or frustrated by their partner's lack of progress toward their own goals. If one person is dragging behind because they're not motivated by health concerns, be sure to take a step back together and remember why you wanted to do this in the first place. There is nothing more compelling than your “why” for increasing motivation.

Stay on track, together

You might have thought that the idea of starting a health journey with your partner is too hard or would never work. But it can in fact be the exact opposite. Together, you'll find it easier to stay on track when another person is there to hold you accountable, encourage you & celebrate your progress with you. So go ahead and take that leap—and remember to be patient, kind, and communicative with your partner as you both grow together!