If you aren’t sure what you are meant to be eating in order to lose weight, here are the 5 basic steps to follow that will help you to get started.
Step 1
Calculate your overall energy requirements
Do this in 1 of 2 ways:
Track your food in an app for a week. If you're maintaining your weight this is how much energy you are using and it's also your starting point.
Make a slight adjustment downward - nothing drastic. The goal is for slow, safe & sustainable weight loss.
Think of it as your budget to spend. However, if you have a history of dieting and are already on low calories, you need to stop now and get specialised help.
Step 2
Calculate your daily protein requirements
A gram of protein provides 4 calories of energy. How much protein you need, depends on your activity level and your goal. Prioritise the protein calculation before you move to the next step as this retains the muscle you already have - you don’t want to lose this!
Step 3
Calculate your carbs & fats
A gram of carbs provides 4 calories of energy. A gram of fat provides 9. Depending on your preferences and goals, portion out the remaining calories from your budget. Do not take your fats too low. You NEED these for proper hormone function.
Step 4
Now plan out a day's worth of meals
Using a tracking app like My Fitness Pal, plan out a day’s worth of meals that fit within your overall energy budget, allocated protein, carbs & fat requirements. It can be a little bit like playing Tetris, but it’s what is needed to get you to your weight loss goals. There are other things to watch for too - like fibre, fruit, veg & fluids. A nutritionist or dietitian can help you with this.
Step 5
Track your progress
Keep tabs of the food you eat in a tracking app. Treat it like you treat your finances and do your best to stick to your budget. Be patient. The weight didn't come on all of a sudden and it isn't going to fall off all of a sudden either.
Macronutrients are highly individual - based on your unique circumstances and goals. If you need help figuring out what you should be aiming for, book a free call with Kerryn today.