The Hibar Blog

Evidence-based strategies, nutrition information, and the latest tools and tips to help you discover your healthy lifestyle.

HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Why Your 90s Workout Routine Needs a 2020s Makeover

If you read Cosmo & Dolly magazines in the 90’s then this is for you….

Remember when we were told that if we wanted to get lean we should do heaps of cardio & eat lettuce? Well they were wrong!!

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Weightloss, Health & Wellness, Personal HiBar Nutrition Weightloss, Health & Wellness, Personal HiBar Nutrition

If you are considering Ozempic, what’s your plan once the injections stop? This client’s story might help you decide.

Mid 2023 I was introduced to Jack* by a friend at my local gym who said she had been asked for recommendations of people she might know who could help him with a weight loss problem. I was expecting that Jack would be wanting help to lose weight, but that wasn’t the case at all.

This is not your typical weight loss success story.

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

10 Tips from a Nutritionist for Healthy Eating on a Budget

Eating healthy on a budget can be challenging, but it's not impossible. As a nutritionist, I have seen clients who believe that eating healthy is expensive, but with a few simple tips, you can make healthy choices without breaking the bank. Here are ten tips that can help you make healthy eating a part of your budget-friendly lifestyle.

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

What to Eat When You’re Too Tired to Cook

Do you ever come home from a long day of work and the thought of cooking dinner feels like a daunting task? Or maybe you had a busy weekend and the last thing you want to do is spend more time in the kitchen. So, what do you eat when you're too tired to cook? The answer is simple….

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Shaking Off Guilt: Re-imagine Your Relationship with Food in 2024

In the pursuit of health and fitness, many of us find ourselves ensnared in the web of guilt, especially when it comes to food choices. The new year often marks a renewed commitment to wellness, but this time, let's unravel the threads of guilt and redefine our relationship with food.

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Why I Don’t Prescribe to Any One Particular Diet

As a nutrition health coach, one of the most common questions I get asked is, "What diet do you recommend?" My answer often surprises people because I don't prescribe to one particular diet. In fact, I believe that following any strict dietary regimen is not only unnecessary, but it can also be detrimental to your health in the long run. So here is how I approach it so my clients get long lasting results.

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Think You Need a Detox? Think Again!

Have you ever felt like your body is in need of a good detox? Maybe you've indulged in too many treats or a few too many glasses of wine, and you're looking for a quick fix to get back on track. You might have heard of various juice cleanses, detox teas, and miracle diets promising to rid your body of toxins and leave you feeling like a brand new person.

Well, it's time to debunk the detox myth and reveal why your body doesn't need a miracle cleanse.

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Horrified by the Thought of Weekends Lost to Meal Prep? Say Hello to Dump Dinners!

If you're trying to lose weight, meal prepping is probably something you've considered. But the thought of spending an entire Sunday chopping vegetables, cooking chicken, and filling up Tupperware containers can be overwhelming. Who wants to spend their only day off slaving over a hot stove? The good news is, you don't have to.

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