Why Your 90s Workout Routine Needs a 2020s Makeover

Remember when we were told that if we wanted to get lean we should do heaps of cardio & eat lettuce? Well they were wrong!!

Yes, we dropped a heap of weight - but it wasn’t just body fat. It also included a significant amount of muscle. And in doing so, women everywhere tanked their metabolism. What we weren’t told was that we should have been trying to do 2 things: drop body fat AND hold on to as much muscle while doing so.


Because the thing about dieting is that your body will use whatever fuel sources it needs to when it gets lean, including muscle. So we want to protect the muscle! It is what keeps our metabolism firing!

Whether it is building muscle or holding on to it while you are dieting, there are 2 key things that need to be in play in order to retain or build muscle…. Eating enough protein AND applying a resistance to the muscle (ie: strength training).

What I often see from people who are trying to lose weight is that they will cut their calories without thinking about their protein, then they hit the cardio section of the gym. All this extra energy output combined with less energy input from your restricted diet, means it is more likely that you will run out of your normal energy stores quicker & then you run the risk of muscle loss. Eating protein & lifting heavy things minimises that.

At the end of the day, your journey to weight loss and fitness isn't just about shedding pounds; it's about transforming your entire lifestyle for the better. Through my Bodygoal Breakthrough Program, I provide a comprehensive solution that blends personalised nutrition plans, effective training routines, and mindset coaching. This holistic approach ensures that you not only achieve your weight loss goals but also maintain them sustainably.

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you? Book a free chat with me today, and let's embark on this transformative journey together. Your best self is just one conversation away!


Compounding Interest. The magic in tiny changes.