You do not need to self-exile when you are on a diet. With a bit of forethought and planning, you can still enjoy socialising and eating out. Here are 5 tips to stay healthy and avoid becoming a hermit.

Step 1

Eat up before you head out

It's hard to get all your protein in when you eat out. You may be able to do it, but it often comes with an overloaded side of carbs and fats. So eat your protein before you go out for dinner. Have a decent amount of vegetables too. When you do head to the restaurant, you'll be a little more satisfied so consider an entree-size main meal.

Step 2

Plan ahead if you can

Most restaurants have their menus listed online. Do your research & pick your meal ahead of time while you're calm, not hungry and able to make sound choices.

Step 3

If planning ahead isn’t an option - make it easier to guesstimate

It is far easier to guess the macros of a 150g rib fillet & side of steamed veg than it is to guess the contents of a creamy curry. And if eating steak & veg rather than a curry makes you feel like you are missing out, you might have a first-world problem and could benefit from reframing your perspective. How lucky are you that you get to eat out!

Step 4

Choose quality over quantity

Choosing Sizzler style all-you-can-eat-buffet is so 90's. Opt for a Masterchef-level experience instead where the focus is on quality and not quantity. Your waistline will thank you and so will your taste buds.

Step 5

If it doesn’t go to plan, don’t throw in the towel

Lets say, you have a blow out. It's not the end of the world, nor is it an excuse to throw out all of your hard work. It was one meal. No need to punish yourself tomorrow, just get back on to your plan and keep moving forward.

Accountability is key during weight loss and an effective way to stay on course is to get yourself a coach. If you are curious about how coaching can help you to transform your body, book a free call with me today.