Making a good habit stick is just as hard as breaking a bad habit. And when it comes to weight loss you really need those healthy habits to be sticky!⁠

If you are familiar with James Clear's "Atomic Habits" you'll know all about the mechanics of a habit. ⁠ Make the habit you want EASY, ATTRACTIVE, OBVIOUS & SATISFYING and you'll see in no time that the habit will stick.⁠ It’s what turns a "weight loss goal" into "living a healthy lifestyle". Here, we put the principles into practice using meal prepping as an example.

Step 1

Be CLEAR on the habit you want to stick

Ask yourself what precisely you want to make stick.

“I want to not have to cook during the week when I am so tired after work” is hazy. “I want to set aside a couple of hours every Sunday to prepare all the breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for next week” is clearer. It builds a clear vision in your mind about what it is you want to happen.

Step 2

Make the habit EASY

The easiest way to make meal prepping a habit is to choose simple recipes & start small.

Try prepping a week of breakfasts before graduating to adding in other meals. Try making casseroles that can be split up into a number of meals rather than individual serves of different meals.

Making it too complex makes it a hassle. You will be less likely to stick to it.

Step 3

Make the habit OBVIOUS

Leave the meal prep containers stacked on the counter the night before. Clear your diary for Sunday afternoon. In fact - make it a date with your partner, and get their diary cleared too! Set an alarm if you have to!

Step 4

Make the habit ATTRACTIVE

If you’ve turned it into a ‘date’ with your partner you are already well on your way to making it look attractive. Look forward to the quality time you will spend with your best friend. Curate a playlist. Grab a bottle of wine. Enjoy each other’s company while you are doing something great for your health!

Step 5

Make the habit SATISFYING

Eat those delicious meals! They are tasty, save you money, and time & help you to lose weight! Rinse & repeat!

Helping you with weight loss is my jam. If you want to become the best version of yourself and show up in a way that you’ve never thought possible, I can help! Book a free call below.