Cravings are the worst. But did you know there is a technique you can use to work your way through a craving without giving in? Here we break it down into 5 steps.

Step 1

Recognise what is happening

A craving occurs when you are exposed to a stimulus (food) and it promotes arousal. The key to managing a craving is to be aware that it is happening and to understand how it will behave. By focusing your attention on the mechanics of the craving rather than the food itself, you will notice your desire will ebb and flow - just like a wave. Welcome to the craving control technique called ~RIDING THE WAVE~

Step 2

Focus your intention

Next focus on where the craving sensations are happening. Is it in the mouth? Are you salivating? Is your stomach trying to get your attention? Shifting your focus from the food itself to the parts of your body where the sensation is occuring will help you to work through the rise in arousal.

Step 3

Pause and acknowledge

Pause and think about the consequences of the 2 choices you can make right now. You can give in to the craving for the short term pleasure of taste (and possibly feelings of guilt & disappointment later on) or You can resist, knowing you aren't going to die and you can be proud of the self control, discipline and awareness you are building within yourself.

Step 4

Focus again

Return your attention to watching how the craving rises and falls. Each wave will be a little less intense than the last. And each time, it comes down to you to decide which choice you will make. Continue to pay attention to how the craving feels rather than the food itself.

Step 5


At some stage, the craving will subside completely. Reflect on how you handled it. Be proud of the self restraint you have shown. Know that a craving will come on again at some time and look at it as an opportunity to practice self awareness and control.

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