The Hibar Blog

Evidence-based strategies, nutrition information, and the latest tools and tips to help you discover your healthy lifestyle.

HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Why I Don’t Prescribe to Any One Particular Diet

As a nutrition health coach, one of the most common questions I get asked is, "What diet do you recommend?" My answer often surprises people because I don't prescribe to one particular diet. In fact, I believe that following any strict dietary regimen is not only unnecessary, but it can also be detrimental to your health in the long run. So here is how I approach it so my clients get long lasting results.

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Muscle Building Explained (in an un-sciencey way)

If you've ever hit the gym or done any kind of physical activity, you've probably heard about the importance of protein in building muscle. But why is protein so essential for muscle building, and how does it actually work? In this post, we'll break down the science behind protein and muscle building, using some simple analogies to make it easy to understand.

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