The Busy Person’s Guide to Making Healthy Eating Easier

You are busy. I get it. So I am not even going to bother with a fluffy intro. Lets cut straight to the bullet points.

1.  Plan ahead

One of the best ways to make healthy eating easier is to plan ahead. Planning your meals for the week can help you to make better choices when you're grocery shopping and can also help you to avoid ordering takeout when you're short on time or busy out on the road. Meal planning doesn't have to be complicated, in fact the more basic the better – simply choose a few healthy recipes that you know you'll enjoy and make a list of the ingredients you'll need.

2.  Keep healthy snacks on hand

Another way to make healthy eating easier is to keep healthy snacks on hand at all times. This way, if you get hungry between meals, you'll have something healthy to eat instead of reaching for unhealthy junk food or letting yourself get so hungry you break - and stop at the McDonalds Drive Thru. Some stealthy healthy snack options include fresh fruit, dried fruit, whole grain crackers, grain based bars, yoghurt, and nuts.

3.  Meal Prep!

Setting an hour or so aside each week to put together your meals for the week is another great way to make healthy eating easier. When you prep, you have complete control over what goes into your meals. This means that you can choose healthy ingredients and prepare them in a way that suits you. And if you think meal prep is all about chicken, rice and broccoli in tupperware, you’re wrong! There are plenty of different ways to do meal prep that can keep it interesting. 

4.  Avoid temptation

One of the biggest challenges of eating healthy is avoiding temptation. If unhealthy foods are easily accessible, it can be hard to resist them. “Healthy Life Design’ is a key area of focus at HiBar Nutrition. A simple way you can make healthy eating easier, is to avoid keeping tempting foods in your house and instead focus on stocking up on healthier options. If you do have discretionary foods in your house, keep them out of sight so they're not as tempting.

5.  Find a balance

Last but not least, it's important to find a balance when it comes to healthy eating. While it's important to eat healthy most of the time, allowing yourself occasional treats can actually make it easier to stick to your healthy eating goals in the long run. A B- nutrition plan that you can stick to will always win over an A+ nutrition plan that is impossible to do. Balance is key – so don't be too hard on yourself if you indulge every once in a while!


If you are considering Ozempic, what’s your plan once the injections stop? This client’s story might help you decide.


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