If you are considering Ozempic, what’s your plan once the injections stop? This client’s story might help you decide.

Mid 2023 I was introduced to Jack* by a friend at my local gym who said she had been asked for recommendations of people she might know who could help him with a weight loss problem. I was expecting that Jack would be wanting help to lose weight, but that wasn’t the case at all.

This is not your typical weight loss success story.

You see, Jack's journey had begun 6 months earlier with Ozempic, a medication that had helped him shed 15 kilos. For those not familiar with Ozempic, it is intended for Type 2 diabetics, the positive side effect for diabetics being weight loss while the negative side effects range from all sorts of GI distress & fatigue through to the more serious - increased risk of thyroid cancer, pancreatitis & gall bladder disease. Jack is not diabetic, but due to loopholes he had managed to get his hands on it. But it is what happened after he finished his course of Ozempic where the real story begins.

Jack came to me feeling lost and uncertain. Sure, he had achieved great results with Ozempic, but now he faced a new challenge: how to maintain those results without relying on medication. It's a fear many of us can relate to—the fear of slipping back into old habits once the safety net is gone.

As Jack shared his concerns with me, I couldn't help but empathise. It's daunting to confront the prospect of reverting to old behaviours, especially when they led us down a path we'd rather not revisit. But Jack was determined to take control of his health and find a way to maintain the results on his own.

So, for 12 weeks, Jack and I worked together. We dove into the world of nutrition, exploring how macronutrients fuel our bodies and how they relate to our body goals. We took it slow, building habits one step at a time, so that living a healthy lifestyle became second nature to Jack.

Through our sessions, Jack discovered a newfound confidence in his ability to make informed choices about what he ate and how he lived. It wasn't just about the numbers on the scale—it was about reclaiming his power and living life on his terms.

And you know what the best part is? By focusing on developing sustainable habits, not only has Jack maintained his weight loss but he is now thriving. There is no fear of slipping back into old patterns, he embraced a new way of living—one that prioritised his health and well-being above all else.

Jack's story is a reminder that true transformation goes beyond the numbers. It's about reclaiming control of our lives and rewriting our stories. So, if you're feeling stuck or uncertain on your own journey, know that you're not alone. With the right support and guidance, anything is possible.

Here's to writing your own success story—just like Jack did.

Feeling inspired by Jack's journey? If you recognise that sustainable weight loss is more than just losing weight it's time to take the next step towards reclaiming control of your health and well-being.

If you relate to Jack's story or believe in the importance of sustainable weight loss, book a free chat with me today. Helping people just like Jack make weight loss stick is precisely what I do in a way that suits your unique circumstances. Your journey to a healthier, happier you starts here.

*of course it isn’t his real name! How unprofessional!


Compounding Interest. The magic in tiny changes.


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