The Hibar Blog

Evidence-based strategies, nutrition information, and the latest tools and tips to help you discover your healthy lifestyle.

HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

What to Eat When You’re Too Tired to Cook

Do you ever come home from a long day of work and the thought of cooking dinner feels like a daunting task? Or maybe you had a busy weekend and the last thing you want to do is spend more time in the kitchen. So, what do you eat when you're too tired to cook? The answer is simple….

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Horrified by the Thought of Weekends Lost to Meal Prep? Say Hello to Dump Dinners!

If you're trying to lose weight, meal prepping is probably something you've considered. But the thought of spending an entire Sunday chopping vegetables, cooking chicken, and filling up Tupperware containers can be overwhelming. Who wants to spend their only day off slaving over a hot stove? The good news is, you don't have to.

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Weightloss HiBar Nutrition Weightloss HiBar Nutrition

The Power of Meal Prep

If you and your partner are trying to lose weight together, meal prepping can be a powerful tool in your weightloss journey. Here are my top 4 tips for meal prepping with your partner.

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