The Power of Meal Prep

For Couples Trying to Lose Weight

"I don't have time" is a common excuse for not meal prepping. But it's important to set aside time to plan out your meals for the week and prepare them because doing so can help you lose weight faster. The benefits of meal prep include reduced stress, more energy and less hunger throughout the day. Plus, if you're trying to lose weight together with your partner, then this strategy will help both of you achieve your goals!

Here are my top 4 tips to help you and your partner harness the power of meal prepping.

#1. Track your macros

If you and your partner are trying to lose weight, it’s important to track the number of calories you’re consuming. To do this, you’ll need a macro tracker, which is software designed for calculating the amounts of carbs, fat and protein in food. There are many different macro tracking apps available for both iOS and Android devices.

Macro tracking can be time-consuming at first as you learn how each food fits into your daily calorie allotment, but once it becomes second nature it will make eating healthy foods easier and more enjoyable than guesstimating the nutritional value of everything on your plate.

#2. Set realistic weight-loss goals for yourselves

It's important that you both set realistic weight-loss goals. Your goals will be similar but also different. You both may want to lose weight, but you are probably going to be aiming for different amounts. For example, one of you may decide to lose 10 kilos in three months, while the other is aiming for 5. The ideal rate of loss is a very individualised goal and what is important here, is that your goals are achievable and sustainable.

#3. Meal prep on Sunday.

To be successful, meal prep has to happen on a day when you are both not busy and don't have other things going on. If you attempt to prepare meals for the week when you're in a rush, or dealing with any number of other responsibilities and distractions, it can be challenging.

My advice - make it a date!

A time that is suitable to you both that you turn into an event. The planning, the shopping, the prepping. This may seem silly, but it completely changes the perspective of meal prepping. It is no longer a chore, but rather an opportunity to spend quality time with each other doing something that benefits both of you.

#4. Maintain separate portion sizes to account for the individualised goal.

A lot of people make the mistake of eating the same amount as their partner, but this can be a recipe for disaster. Everyone's body is different and therefore needs different amounts of food to maintain a healthy weight. When you're both trying to lose weight, you have to maintain separate portion sizes in order to account for your activity levels. If your partner is more active than you are (if he works out every day and plays sports on weekends), then his calorie intake should be higher than yours.

So be aware of this as you meal prep together. A really simple tip - colour coordinate your tupperware. One colour for you and another colour for your partner then assign the appropriate portion sizes as you go. Simple!

The Pay Off

Meal prep is an important part of losing weight, but it's not hard to do. It does take some effort, but if you follow these steps, your efforts will pay off. You'll have plenty of energy throughout the day and feel like you're eating healthier food. Plus, meal prep makes it easier to stick to your goals by cutting out time-consuming cooking during the week and sneaky takeout that can derail even the best-laid plans!

If you aren’t sure what you are meant to be eating in order to lose weight, here are the 5 basic steps to follow that will help you to get started.


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