Hibar Nutrition

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From Couch Potato to Veggie Ninja: The secret to achieving your health goals

But first, you should know the secret to building healthy habits & making them stick for good.

We often hear about the importance of healthy habits in achieving our fitness goals. But the truth is, forming habits that work for us can be easier said than done. Many of us struggle with consistency, motivation, and figuring out what works best for our unique lifestyles.

That's where the concept of starting small and making gradual changes comes in. It's much more realistic and sustainable to build healthy habits one at a time, instead of trying to overhaul our entire lives overnight. By incorporating small changes that are as close as possible to our current routines, we're more likely to succeed in the long run.

Think about it - if you're used to staying up late and sleeping in, suddenly switching to waking up at 5 AM for a morning workout is probably not going to be sustainable for very long. But if you gradually start waking up just 15 minutes earlier each day and build up from there, it's much more doable.

Similarly, if you're used to eating fast food every day, trying to switch to a strict, restrictive diet is likely to be overwhelming and unsustainable. But if you start by making small changes, like swapping out one fast food meal for a healthier option or incorporating more vegetables into your meals, it's much more manageable.

The key is to find what works for you and your lifestyle, and make changes gradually. That way, you'll be able to build healthy habits that stick and achieve your fitness goals while still enjoying life.

Let’s start with my baby…nutrition

OMG. So much crappy information to be found on the internet. I want you to forget for one moment about whether grains are best steel cut or sprouted. What I want you to take from this blog is that

the most effective nutrition habits are the ones that you can stick to over time.

Re-read that again if you need to.

Maybe you start by committing to eating a healthy breakfast every morning. This could mean swapping out your usual highly processed sugary cereal for something with more protein and healthy fats, like a veggie omelette or avocado toast. Once you've embedded this habit into your routine and it feels effortless, move on to the next step.

Perhaps your next goal is to eat a serving of vegetables with every meal. This could mean adding a side salad or some roasted veggies to your lunch and dinner plates. Again, take it slow and focus on building the habit before moving on to the next step.

Remember, it's not about overhauling your entire diet overnight. It's about making small, sustainable changes that add up over time. And don't forget to celebrate your successes along the way!

Sweating it out, one step at a time

It's no secret that exercise is essential for good health. But it can be tough to stick to a routine, especially if you're just starting out. That's where the power of small habits comes in. Instead of trying to jump right into a rigorous exercise routine, start with something simple that you can do consistently, like going for a daily walk or doing a quick 10-minute workout at home.

The key to building an exercise habit that sticks is to make it enjoyable. You're more likely to stick with an activity if you actually enjoy doing it. So, choose an activity that you find fun and make it a regular part of your routine. This could be anything from dancing to cycling to playing a sport with friends. The goal is to find something that gets you moving and makes you feel good.

Another important aspect of building an exercise habit is to make it convenient. Choose an activity that you can easily fit into your daily routine. For example, if you don't have time to go to the gym, try doing a quick workout at home before you start your day or during your lunch break. Or, if you enjoy walking, try walking to work or taking a walk during your lunch break.

Remember, the key to building a successful exercise habit is to start small, make it enjoyable, and make it convenient. Over time, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as your fitness level improves. But for now, focus on creating a habit that you can stick to consistently.

Turning your sleep from a nightmare to a dream come true!

Do you ever struggle with getting a good night's sleep? Trust me, you're not alone! The importance of sleep is often overlooked, but it plays a huge role in our overall health and well-being. It is during sleep that our bodies repair and regenerate, which is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. Lack of sleep can lead to a number of negative health outcomes, including increased stress levels, decreased immune function, and a higher risk for chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The good news is that there are some simple habits you can develop to improve your sleep quality.

First, start by creating a bedtime routine that helps you wind down and relax before going to sleep. This could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or practicing some gentle yoga stretches. It's all about finding what works best for you and sticking to it.

Another key habit to develop is to create a sleep-conducive environment. This means making sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Consider investing in blackout curtains, earplugs, or a white noise machine if needed.

Oh - and ditch your phone. Tik Tok & Instagram are not helping you unwind, I promise.

Sip Sip Hooray! Hydrating like a boss.

If I am to be honest, I find drinking water to be boring. But I also know it’s really good for me. So when there is something that is annoying but necessary to be done, the trick is to make it fun.

So how do you make drinking water fun? I am glad you asked…..

  1. Swap out plain water for sparkling water. It’s as close as you can get to the bubbles of a soft drink with some simple H2O. It can also help with feeling a little fuller (even if it is only perceived) and this is because the sensation of the fizz captures your attention more than plain water does, so you pay attention more.

  2. Add slices of lemon or fruit if the taste of water bothers you.

  3. Gamify your water intake. Track it using an app and go for a streak. Got a friend who also struggles to drink enough water - go head to head to see who can get the longest streak.

See? 3 ways to make hydration a habit. It’s that easy!


So in conclusion, achieving your health goals doesn't have to be an overwhelming and unsustainable process

If you want to make your healthy habits stick this time, the key is quite simple….

  • Make them as close to what you currently do as possible.

  • Make them fun.

  • Track it. Keep tracking until you are doing it without even realising you are doing it.

  • Don’t add a new habit until you’ve mastered the last.

And while it’s all good to whittle this advice down into a single blog post, it isn’t always that easy in real life.

If you're struggling with creating healthy habits or need help with your nutrition, training, and overall health, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm an expert in this field and would love to help you achieve your goals. Book a discovery call with me today and let's discuss how we can work together to create a healthier lifestyle for you.