Here’s What You Need To Do To Transform Your Body

I have been thinking a lot over the last few days of my own health journey and in particular, the 'frustration feels' I had right before the moment where I figured out what it was I was supposed to be doing to get the physical transformation results that I so desperately wanted.

What prompted this? I was speaking at an event earlier this week and talking about the things a person can do from a nutrition perspective to improve their health and wellbeing. As you can appreciate, in these sorts of circumstances, it would be reckless of me to be giving personal or specific advice to a larger audience, so what I say needs to be general in nature.

So at this seminar, I spoke in reference to the Australian Healthy Eating Guidelines. Over the course of an hour I had the audience work-shop their way through their own current eating habits. They did a 24hr diet recall, compared it to what the guidelines are and committed to a few actions to get their own dietary habits a little bit closer to health recommendations. Along the way, they learned general stuff about energy balance, macronutrients, portion control, serving sizes, yadda yadda yadda. All great information if you are wanting to learn the basics of nutrition & just eat in a way that meets current recommendations.

But if you want to transform your body…to epic levels… I know that this info is not enough. And I was acutely made aware of it by the reaction of some of the people in the room. I could clearly see that some people had come along, with the expectation that I was going to tell them precisely what they should eat in order to look a certain way. To come to a seminar and not get this information… frustrating!

What my health transformation looked like. This took approx 3 - 4 years.

And I can truly appreciate that frustration. I distinctly remember only 5 years ago working so hard in the gym and seeing very little return. Googling "how to lose weight fast" late at night. Thinking a week long juice cleanse detox would 'kickstart my metabolism' because a lean looking yogi on IG recommended it. Mindlessly scrolling Instagram feeds filled with images of fitfluencers' telling me what their macro targets were & wondering how they could eat so much without looking like a dump truck.

All I wanted was for someone to tell me precisely what I needed to do. I was willing to do it. I just didn’t know what that ‘thing’ was.

And I know that you know exactly what I am talking about, I don't need to explain this to you.

Because if there is one thing I have learned since starting my health coaching business - it's that almost everyone is having these crazy thought patterns playing out in one way or another. And we are all too bloody embarrassed to say them out loud. Instead, we walk past the wardrobe mirror on the way to the bathroom, grabbing a fat roll on our tummy, twisting our body and trying to get that same booty-popping pose we saw some 19yo do on our IG feed the other day.

But I digress. Back to the frustration of those few people in the seminar.

Let's pretend for a moment that I did give them macronutrient targets in that moment. What then? Aside from a whole heap of other people in that room incorrectly thinking the same targets would work for them, there are so many nuances & complexities that just can’t be covered in a general seminar about healthy eating. I don’t know what their dieting history is like. I don’t know what they do for physical activity. I don’t know how much they already know about macronutrient nutrition….to give any kind of advice without knowing these things, would be a low ball move on my part.

And the thing is - macronutrient targets change as your body changes. You can be given a set of targets that might work for a while, but then your body adapts. What do you do then?

This is of particular importance for the clients who come to me who are struggling to lose weight but are already eating extremely low calories. It is usually a result of having a long history of dieting. How do we get them a result? It isn’t by providing macro targets in a set-and-forget manner.

So, what is the solution? Well, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The truth is, achieving a transformational result is not just about a set of macro targets. It takes time, effort & patience. It requires a deep understanding of your body, your unique circumstances and then we help it along with expert guidance.

It's about being kind to yourself and understanding that progress is always slower than you would like but in the end - it is still progress. It's about focusing on sustainable habits and long-term changes, rather than quick fixes and short-term solutions.

So, to all the frustrated individuals out there who are searching for the magic bullet to transform their bodies (& anyone with unmet expectations from the workshop), I encourage you to take a step back and reflect on your own journey. What has worked for you in the past? What hasn't? What are your goals, and are you prepared to achieve them in a healthy and sustainable way?

Are you on the same page as me? If you are & you do want the epic results that macronutrient coaching provides…then come book a free one-on-one chat with me. I can definitely help you overcome those ‘frustration feels’.


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