The Hibar Blog

Evidence-based strategies, nutrition information, and the latest tools and tips to help you discover your healthy lifestyle.

HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Muscle Building Explained (in an un-sciencey way)

If you've ever hit the gym or done any kind of physical activity, you've probably heard about the importance of protein in building muscle. But why is protein so essential for muscle building, and how does it actually work? In this post, we'll break down the science behind protein and muscle building, using some simple analogies to make it easy to understand.

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HiBar Nutrition HiBar Nutrition

Here’s What You Need To Do To Transform Your Body

I have been thinking a lot over the last few days of my own health journey and in particular, the 'frustration feels' I had right before the moment where I figured out what it was I was supposed to be doing to get the physical transformation results that I so desperately wanted.

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Weightloss HiBar Nutrition Weightloss HiBar Nutrition

From Couch Potato to Veggie Ninja: The secret to achieving your health goals

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of completely overhauling your lifestyle to achieve your health goals? Maybe you've tried it before and found it unsustainable, or perhaps you're intimidated by the idea of giving up your favorite foods or changing your daily routine. But what if I told you that you don't have to make drastic changes to see real progress?

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Weightloss HiBar Nutrition Weightloss HiBar Nutrition

The Power of Meal Prep

If you and your partner are trying to lose weight together, meal prepping can be a powerful tool in your weightloss journey. Here are my top 4 tips for meal prepping with your partner.

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Body Image HiBar Nutrition Body Image HiBar Nutrition

Your Guide to Fat Talk in the Bedroom

In the same way that two people talk about money, family values, and other important issues, many couples discuss their bodies. Unfortunately, it’s not always in a good way. Body shaming can affect your relationship, but the good news is that there are proactive steps you and your partner can take to re-frame these conversations.

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