Hibar Nutrition

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Compounding Interest. The magic in tiny changes.

Successful people make really small simple changes that can stick. They make these ‘healthy behaviours’ become habits.

It might start with drinking 2+ Litres of water a day. Repeating this until they no longer have to think about it in order for it to happen. 

Then it might involve getting 8000 steps each day. At first, they might need to set reminders, make a conscious effort to get up from their desk throughout the day, but then it morphs into a 45 minute walk after work every day that they don’t have to force - it just happens.


Next they might look at protein. They track their protein intake, see that it doesn’t support their goals. & test until they find a way to eat more protein daily in a manner in which they enjoy. 

On their own, these small changes seem insignificant. 

But when you do them day after day, week after week they compound.

And if you can find a way to make these little changes enjoyable, they actually become effortless.

That is when you know you have become a healthier version of yourself.